The triggering video
Image: Screengrab

The video of two men speaking ill about women and even issuing terrifying threats against them has been widely circulated on social media.

Two unidentified men in the video, seemingly recorded in Jevanjee Garden, Nairobi, during peaceful protests against the killing of women on Friday, have continued to receive heavy criticism from Kenyans, with many calling for their arrest.

Renowned Kenyan activist Boniface Mwangi shared the video on his Twitter account, using the opportunity to urge other men to join protests against the killing of women.


"This is why we, as Kenyan men, must speak boldly and loudly against femicides #EndFemicideKE.

These two men, fueled by hatred, are threatening these girls, 'We will ki** you!' Boniface Mwangi said under the video he posted on Friday evening.

He added, "As a man and a father, these men do not speak for the men I know. @WilliamsRuto, where is your voice? #ShutDownKE."


In the video, one of the men opposed the peaceful protests by women advocating an end to extreme cases of femicide.

The man could be heard objecting to the peaceful women's protests, claiming that men have also suffered at the hands of women who allegedly extort their money.

"We will ki** you! We will ki** you! As many as possible," one of the individuals was heard saying.

Another man standing nearby supported him, insisting that they would end the lives of women.

"Let me tell you, I cannot take you to Pizza and spend my money... C’mon, No way. You will di*! You will di*! You women will di*, I'm telling you. You want a man's money. You will di* a lot," he added.

They continued to claim that recent cases of women's murders are just a small part, threatening that many more women will lose their lives.

The video has received widespread criticism from Kenyans, and there have been numerous calls for the arrest of those involved.

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