Boni Khalwale
Image: The-Star

A tragic incident unfolded as a bull owned by Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale killed its caretaker and trainer, Kizito Moi, 46.

The incident occurred in the bull’s den, with Moi discovered on Sunday, January 28, 2024, displaying severe injuries.

“My farm has two sides – the dairy part and the bull pen. The deceased was purely working on the side of the it and taking care of its wellbeing.


In the morning, he failed to report to work and everybody got concerned.

My wife asked his colleagues to check on him from his house. But while they were heading to the house, they checked in the bull’s den and that is when they discovered his body lying in a pool of blood,” said Senator Khalwale.

The bull, named Inasio, had recently been crowned the champion of the renowned bullfighting contest in Ikolomani.

The 5-year-old bull had turned aggressive unexpectedly.


Senator Khalwale expressed shock, noting that such incidents are infrequent and recalling the last similar event in Ikolomani that happened 30 years ago.

Austin Munasia, the treasurer of the Kakamega bullfighting association, called for a thorough investigation into the incident, suggesting that the killer bull be taken to the bullfighting field for traditional rituals.

According to tradition, participants cut their share of the bull's body parts while it is alive.

“We are treating this as an unfortunate accident – it is something that rarely happens that a bull can kill its caretaker. We shall follow all the laid down procedures that are done in such an incident so that we don’t leave anything to chance,” said Senator Khalwale.

To show how important bullfighting is to the senator, in 2019, Boni brought the mourning of his wife to a closure with a bullfighting event.

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