Police probe death of Form 1 student in Makueni

Form one student, from Kilungu Boys High School identified as Emmanuel Kirimi passed away 10 days after being admitted to the school.

His parents had admitted him to the school where he joined form one and 10 days later, they received a call from the school management that they should report to Kilungu mortuary and identify the body of their kin.

"Emmanuel Kirimi a Form One student got stomach upset at 10:30 am. He was rushed to the deputy principal's office and then to the hospital located 800 metres from the school," he said.

"He was accompanied by two teachers and two prefects where the doctor confirmed that he had died"

The parents are in so much pain and devastation. The father says that his child had never complained of a stomach ache as the school administration stated.

The family was first told that Emmanuel was rushed to hospital after complaining of having a stomach ache.

The story behind Emmanuel's death has different narratives as the school says he was sick, but upon the body being examined, the family says that he had deep marks on his forehead and upper part of the head.

This has given the family the benefit of the doubt as they are suspicious that the school might be hiding some truths about it.

Upon his death, the family says they think that he might have been bullied or thoroughly beaten but it's still not clear.

The family is in deep depths of finding out the course of their son's death and they are searching for the truth restlessly.

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A Family of a 15 year old form one student at Kilungu Boys High School is in pain and anguish after their son died barely 10 days after reporting to the school. The family of Emmanuel Kirima is crying foul claiming that their son could have died of beatings as he had facial injuries, but the school maintains that the late Kirima had complained of stomach ache and was rushed to hospital, but died before receiving treatment. The family now wants postmortem conducted to establish the cause of their sons death.
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