As earlier planned Kizito Amukune Moi, who was allegedly killed on Sunday by Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale's fighter bull will not be laid to rest on Thursday.

This is after a heated argument over the cause of his death as homicide detectives interfere to carry out more investigations.

As the senator responded to critics from some quarters on the death of Moi, he said the assertions were "wild, baseless, and false,".

He also disclosed that the burial was postponed to allow detectives to get to the bottom of the matter.

The Senate Majority Whip also revealed he had hosted a team of detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations( DCI) at his home for what he mentioned as "thorough fact-finding.

The deceased eldest brother Fredrick Muhanji had gone to prepare his brother's body at the mortuary but received a call from home informing him that the police officers had gone to stop burial arrangements due to new developments.

Benjamin Wambua, Kakamega South sub-county police commander said they had received complaints from some members of the public that were worth looking into.

The family is disturbed since the police didn't give details about the identity of the person who gave the complaints.

"Even though we complied with their orders, we are still asking to know who could have gone to the police with fresh demands over the body of my son, " The deceased father said.

The family was okay with the autopsy report and ready to bury their kin but were forced to slow down the process for further analysis after allegations of murder came up.

The report revealed the late Amukune had died due to excessive bleeding from stab wounds from the horn of an animal.

It also showed the deceased suffered three broken ribs and curved stabs on the head, neck, and left thigh.

They invited members from the Homicide department to carry out a second postmortem to clear doubts about his death.

Kizito was the caretaker of the fighting bulls owned by Dr Khalwale which allegedly killed him.

He passed away at 46, was a second born in a family of three, and wasn't married.

Khalwale speared and slaughtered the killer bull per observing the Luhya traditions.

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