Janet Mbugua at End Femicide protests

Media personality Janet Mbugua has announced a vigil dubbed "Dark Valentine" in memory of all women who have been brutally murdered through femicide.

The vigil will be held at the University of Nairobi (UoN) main campus on Wednesday, February 14 from 4 pm to 7 pm.

"It might be Valentine's Day but there is a darkness that still hovers. This is because many who we should be celebrating love with are instead being grieved" she said.

 The renowned journalist also stated that the vigil will put pressure on the parliament and county Assemblies to meet a set of demands on a petition to tame femicide.

The petition is said to demand some actions including the president declaring Violence Against Women and femicide as a national crisis and adopting Executive orders Committing to zero tolerance to femicide.

This requires the president, cabinet secretaries, and other officials and people in the political field.

Well-wishers were also called upon to support the vigil by contributing items such as candles, handkerchiefs, etc.

Women groups that have emerged such as Usikimye and Feminists in Kenya have organized powerful peaceful matches against femicide the previous month to condemn the act of femicide.

This announcement comes after the rising cases of femicide that took place from the beginning of the year where young women lost their lives to cruel men

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