Vera Sidika with her baby daddy Brown Mauzo in a past file
Image: Instagram

Months after her dramatic split from her baby daddy, aspiring musician Brown Mauzo, veteran socialite and entrepreneur Vera Sidika is ready to spill the tea and answer all the burning questions netizens must have.

On her Instagram stories, Vera recently engaged with her fans and followers in a Q&A session where she responded to questions regarding her separation from Mauzo and details surrounding her current love life.

"Was it easy for you to leave your marriage? Gurl we be going through the most," a curious netizen posed the question to Vera in a bid to know how she was coping with things.


Responding to the question, the mother of 2 revealed she knew things had hit an iceberg and their ship was slowly drowning long before they officially called things quiet.

She explained how she slowly started detaching emotionally and mentally before finally it turned physical and she was ready to take her babies and leave.

"For me, It was over 4 months before it actually ended. I was done; Emotionally, Mentally, and Physically.


So it was easy and the best decision ever made. I chose ME and really wanted the best for my kids," candidly wrote the socialite responding to her fan.

Another curious Instagram user taking up the opportunity Vera had presented, proceeded to ask if Vera was really happy or just putting up a charade for social media.

Which honestly speaking would not be something new or unheard off, considering how fast the father of her 2 kids had moved on and was parading his new girlfriend online.

"Are you genuinely happy?? I wish you all the best in everything," posted the unidentified Instagram user while still sending love and support to Vera.

Vera assured her fans that they need not worry about her as she was the happiest she had ever been in ages and was content with how things were.

"Won't lie. The happiest I've ever been. I love being single tbh," commented Vera who in a different post added that she harbours no wishes of ever remarrying. Stating that it was a hindrance to her peace and freedom.

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