Charlene Ruto

Kenya's first daughter and entrepreneur Charlene Chelagat Ruto is finally addressing critics who always have a thing or ten to say about her hairstyle choices.

The 31-year-old youth champion and PR practitioner started by affirming that she loves all her features and sees no flaw as God created her perfectly as He pleased.

Addressing the backlash she receives over her choice of hairstyles and wigs, Charlene revealed that it is she who approves them. Adding that she is keen to always remind her hairstylists, whenever she has one not to bother trying to hide her forehead as it is going nowhere so she might as well embrace it.

"I have a big forehead, and I love my forehead. I mean, I really love my forehead, and I don't hide it. 

And even with people who style my hair, I tell them, 'do not hide the forehead, it is there, I love it, and God blessed me with it," said the Kenya Blood Ambassador during an interview she had with Citizen TV shortly after she jetted back into the country from her trip in the US.

Kenya's first daughter Charlene Ruto
Image: Courtesy

Charlene acknowledged when she first started trending on socials she had so much anger mainly because people were opening up pseudo accounts passing off absurd stories that she'd never utter but she finally made peace with it. Thus why she started owning her space.

On how it feels like being the president's daughter, the entrepreneur and climate change activist added it was basically normal for her owing to the fact that she has grown up with her dad in politics.

"I had even forgotten that my dad had become the president. He has been in politics for about 30 years, so it's like seeing one of your best friend's grow up.

Charlene Ruto
Image: Courtesy

From MP to being a Minister then deputy president and finally becoming a president, you kind of get used to it as you go," 31-year-old Charlene told Victoria Rubadiri during their sit down.

Adding that even as she travels, she goes as Charlene Ruto and would get so surprised with all security and mega reception that she would get when traversing counties.

Finishing up she noted that part of the 30 things she was working on was dealing with cyber bullying, especially seeing as she has been a victim of negative social media criticism.

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