Blogger Njambi Fever

Media personality and blogger Njambi Fever has released a series of social media posts calling upon comedienne and brand influencer Mammito Eunice to take a social media break following the backlash she has been receiving.

Through her Instagram page, Njambi reminded Mammito that haters were part of the price people with a huge following have to pay.

Adding that the content creator should not bother with apologies or explanations but instead just sit back and ignore everything till the dust settles.

"I'd have posted a looong video but niko na homa. Naongea kidogo nahema," started off Njambi.


She went on to offer some words of advice to the comedienne reminding her that once can never have the whole world rallying up behind them. Njambi highlighted that  Mammito should just ignore everything going on social media, and just keep it moving.

"Anyway, you as an influencer / content creator... who lied to you that you'll be loved or your content will be loved everyday?

This is actually deeper than Jowie. Saahii people are taking advantage, those who were waiting for her to mess up are enjoying," added the social media influencer.

Njambi Fever

Following this, Njambi shared another post noting that the discussions were not really about right and wrong, it was just Mammito's turn to get roasted on social media. According to her, everyone gets a turn.

"It happens. She should simply ignore, Instagram is actually a cool app.

X people don't reason literally & they'll cook you then give you gigs and eat with you kwa events.

You're not meant to be loved everyday & it's okay. It's not about whether or not what she said is senseless. It's just her turn to get cooked,"

Finishing up, she posted a video reiterating her earlier statements. She reminded people that X was a jungle filled with vicious keyboard warriors who were always ready to pounce whenever an opportunity presented itself, irrespective of who you were,

"Before I left that app I went through a lot and you are not supposed to pull a pity party talking about you are not liked by 1,2,3... You will meet with these people at events and they will be nice to you.

On the ground they are just people like you, sometimes they will even give you gigs but on the keyboards, they will insult. Don't assume that because you have numbers you are supposed to be loved!" Said the digital content creator in the Instagram video.

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