Shorn Arwa
Image: Instagram

Kenyan content creator Shorn Arwa took her online followers on a journey to Jamaica, sharing her experiences on her Instagram Stories.

Arwa, who resides in the UK, dispelled the misconception of widespread marijuana use in Jamaica. "People there don't smoke weed as the internet portrays," she said.

Beyond debunking misconceptions, Arwa gave an overview of the dedication of Jamaican content creators. "They take it very seriously," she explained. "It's like a full-time job, with long hours and high-end equipment."


However, what impressed Arwa the most was the spirit of collaboration among Jamaican creators.

"They're like one big family, always helping out and working together," he said. "If your camera dies, another producer might offer theirs, saying 'you're on a tight schedule, I can get this shot later.'"

Arwa was also captivated by Jamaica's natural beauty.


"The beaches and landscapes are stunning," she said. She praised the clean environment, well-maintained roads, and abundant fruit trees.

For Kenyan viewers, Arwa highlighted the ease of entry into Jamaica. The country offers visa-free travel for Kenyans, though a travel visa may be required depending on the route.

"The immigration process is smooth, with registration booths," he described.

Although there are no direct flights from Kenya, Arwa managed her trip by connecting flights.

Wrapping up her stories, Arwa declared Jamaica as her favourite travel destination so far. "Of all the places I've visited, Jamaica truly stole my heart," she concluded.

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