2Face Idibia with his wife Annie

Innocent '2face' Idibia and Annie Idibia's daughter Isabel has criticized the producers of the Netflix show Young Famous and African for their portrayal of her parents' relationship.

In a live social media post, Isabel expressed her frustration with how her parents were depicted, arguing that it was inaccurate.

She defended her perspective, stating that she had firsthand knowledge as she had grown up in the same household.

"I think the way my parents were portrayed anyway is just so wrong."

Despite facing criticism for her age, Isabel maintained that her understanding of her parents' relationship was valid and based on personal experience rather than social media speculation.

She acknowledged the difficulty in changing people's perceptions but emphasised the importance of setting the record straight about her family.

Isabel voiced her dissatisfaction with the portrayal of her parents, expressing a desire to correct misconceptions and present a more accurate image of her family.

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