Rachel Bailey and Alexander

31-year-old Rachel Bailey and her husband 30-year-old Alexander have shared they are battling a strong desire to have a 4th child.

The American couple went viral mid last year after Rachel made it public information that she breastfeeds Alexander at least 3 times a day for 5 to 10 minutes as a way of the two connecting.

Now, the couple are causing waves yet again after revealing they are considering having another offspring over the sheer fact that they have missed their unconventional bonding time.


Their last born child is currently at the toddler phase and has stopped breast feeding, meaning Bailey is no longer producing milk. And this has currently made her and her husband a little uncomfortable as it means Alex has nothing to suckle.

“I was breastfeeding both my son and my husband, and then one day my son was just no longer interested in my breast milk at all. I continued feeding Alexander for about two weeks, but it was like my body knew that my son no longer needed the milk and it was all gone," Rachel said while speaking to Caters News.

The couple are however, still on the fence about having a 4th child in as much as they have missed their bonding routine. For now, they have picked up meditating.


“We get up each morning at 5 am before the craziness of the day begins and enjoy the calmness of the early morning. We chat, meditate and just breathe. We also started some business ventures together so that has been a new fun way for us to bond," Rachel revealed. 

Back in September, 2023, Rachel shared she began breastfeeding her husband back in 2017 all while maintaining for them it is not a kink. 

It all started when they went on a cruise and she forgot to bring her breast pump along with her for the trip. She had just given birth to their first born child at the time.

Alexander notes that ever since he’s been drinking his wife’s breastmilk he has gotten sick less and his skin has improved. He also says he prefers the taste of her breastmilk to that of cow’s milk.


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