Eunice Omollo

Former NTV journalist Eunice Omollo begs Kenyans for help amid struggles to make ends meet 

The former NTV journalist Eunice Omollo is appealing to Kenyans of goodwill to help.

This is after she disclosed that she was allegedly unceremoniously sacked by her employer and her work credited to other reporters,

She has been struggling with bipolar disorder and rent arrears which will have her evicted soon. 

She also recently lost custody of her son. Who is now living with her mother as she continues to seek necessary help?

“I want to go to the hospital because now I am in my depressive state, those who have been following me know I have lived with bipolar for 19 years now,” she sobbed.

“I cannot live without medication and I cannot afford my medication.”

Eunice appealed to Kenyans of goodwill to help her raise money for medication as well as to connect her to a job opportunity.

certain account online brought into the spotlight that she deactivated most of her social media accounts.

While she was on NTV she was the Health and Science reporter and emerged as the winner in the Africa Media Health Network Best TV and Overall Health Reporting AFP awards in 2021. 

She was feted for her reporting on issues related to mental health.

During the year 2021, she revealed that her coverage of the pandemic had driven her to the brink of attempting suicide.

The whole situation about losing her job and the custody of her son seems to be getting into her a lot and sabotaging her mental health. 

A netizen on the socials said “At least she has someone she can run to…..Kenyans…..Wow, how good indeed Kenyans are!! Weka till mambo ichemke kem kem.


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