Man Jailed for 100 years

A judge in Nakuru has ordered a man accused of defiling three minors and indecently assaulting two others to start serving a 100-year jail sentence after his appeal was dismissed.

Justice Samwel Mohochi directed that David Karega who was sentenced by a lower court to serve 100 years in jail for each of the three counts of defilement and 10 years each for two counts of indecent act begin the sentence.

Justice Muhochi ruled that he wasn’t persuaded enough by Karega’s claims about harsh sentencing, saying the court cannot hear an appeal on the severity of the sentence.

“Applying the legal provision, the sentence imposed by the trial was not illegal, this is because the 100 years imprisonment each in the first three counts and 10 years on the 4th and 5th counts to be served concurrently is the lesser severe sentence from life imprisonment,” the judge said.

The judge said that Karega had subjected the five minors to a bizarre and inhuman sexual attack.

“The orgy of sexual violence and threats of physical harm against the children resulted in serious and permanent trauma scars for which they shall remain for the rest of their lives,” the judge said.

The minors testified in court that as they went to school they used to see Karega, who threatened to slit their throats and throw their bodies in the river if they disclosed to anyone about what happened.

Karega appealed against the conviction saying that the sentence was so harsh for him lamenting that the court failed to consider his age and circumstances around the offence.

The court gave its final ruling that Karega has to serve a jail term of 100 years.


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