Nina Ogot

Kenyan singer Nina Ogot recently released her new album known as Ukumbu.KE.

The new album has nine tracks that showcase Nina’s unique perspective and talent as a live performer, staying true to her signature style of live compositions.

“Working on this project has been a wonderful experience for me to reminisce about different moments, events, and elements that have enriched my life over the years,” Nina said.

“In the process, I rediscovered a wealth of ideas that have been transformed into music, transporting the listener from the past to the present moment.”

Nina’s project entails guitar sounds, melodic horns, and grooving percussion that complements both the Swahili and Luo verses in her unique vocal timbre.

The title Ukumbu means ‘memories’, and the album contains all sorts of childhood memories and cultural moments from almost forgotten traditional music and stories to legendary film and TV maestros.

The beats of the album revive cultural roots as it creates a live music experience and new memories for the present.

In the new album, Nina has included her favorite track ‘Chokoraa’ which she also included in her 2008 debut album ‘Ninairobi’.

Nina’s favorite trackChokoraa’ about the plight of people living on the streets, has grown from a relaxed acoustic guitar to a dramatic and powerful call to action.

Due to Nina’s interaction and engagement with European musicians on her previous album ‘Dala’  made her to record her new album in Nairobi to capture the authentic Kenyan vibe.

The horns section in her new album which was recorded in Germany gave the album an international touch.

Nina who is also a composer of all the songs has chosen a less experimental and more resolute style of arrangement compared to her other albums which will really go a long way in impacting her music career.


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