Water canons

Every Tuesday and Thursday for the past few weeks has been a nightmare for the government of Kenya, as many Gen Z have turned up to street protests over issues they have with the present leadership.

The re-appointment of six cabinet secretaries from the previous cabinet has greatly agitated Gen Z, who have vowed to continue protesting tomorrow despite the President's warnings.

During previous protests, police officers have tried to disperse large crowds by spraying colored water at them with water cannons, which can have several harmful effects:

  1. Physical Injury: The force of water from a cannon can cause bruising, broken bones, and other injuries. High-pressure water can knock people over, leading to falls and impacts with the ground or other objects.
  2. Hypothermia: If the water is cold and protesters are exposed to it for prolonged periods, they can develop hypothermia, especially in cold weather conditions.
  3. Respiratory Issues: The force of the water can make it difficult to breathe, and if chemicals like tear gas are mixed with the water, it can cause severe respiratory problems, eye irritation, and skin burns.
  4. Psychological Impact: The use of water cannons can cause fear, anxiety, and psychological trauma, especially in those who are already vulnerable or have previous experiences of violence.
  5. Clothing and Equipment Damage: Water cannons can damage personal belongings, clothing, and equipment, causing further distress and economic loss to protesters.
  6. Escalation of Violence: The use of water cannons can escalate tensions and lead to more aggressive responses from both protesters and law enforcement.
  7. Mobility Impairment: Water cannons can create slippery surfaces, making it difficult for people to move around, potentially leading to more falls and injuries.
  8. Eye Injuries: High-pressure water jets can cause serious eye injuries, including retinal detachment, which can lead to partial or total blindness.
  9. Environmental Concerns: If the water contains chemicals or contaminants, it can harm the local environment, affecting soil and water quality, and potentially harming local wildlife.
  10. Legal and Ethical Concerns: The use of water cannons can raise legal and ethical questions about the proportionality and necessity of force used by law enforcement, potentially leading to public outcry and legal challenges.
  11. Social and Political Ramifications: The use of water cannons can impact public perception of government and law enforcement, potentially leading to increased distrust and further protests.


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