Comedian Butita distanced himself from Eric Omondi's wife material show after self proclaimed President of comedy was arrested together with his 'wives'.

The arrest was after a raunchy video went viral.

"I'm not part of the show it is not scripted it is not choreographed ata siko Nairobi and I told @ericomondi hii kitu tupange hakuniskia sasa ona ameshikwa I wish we had scripted this thing."

Omondi now says the show will be back, this time, he called upon Butita, the man who caught cold feet, to help him script his show

"It was not scripted, Butita was kicked out. We didn't need him. He is a traitor," he told The Trend

Adding "He is back with us."

Butita later took to social media to confirm the news;

"Just recieved a call from @ericomondi I can officialy confirm that wife Material will be back and The Writer In Chief / Creative Director Eddie Butita will be at work I did not want to be part of wife material again lakini Eric analipa vizuri sana wacha nikatafute pesa, I hope he will allow us to script this show, It needs to be scripted," wrote Butita


The show will feature women from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

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