DJ Mo and Size 8

Gospel minister Size 8 and DJ Mo are celebrating their 10th marriage anniversary.

In a joint social media post, the two shared their gratitude to God for the far they've come.

"It's our 10TH MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY celebration today.....😍❤️🎉We are grateful to God for His doing and we are looking forward to more years in marriage by God's grace! GLORY BE TO GOD...... 😍🎊♥️🌹I pray that may God preserve, protect, provide and bless your marriages too in Jesus Christ name amen."

In another post, Size 8 shared secrets to get her fans through a tough season.


Many are in a tough season but to some of you this hard season might be leading to an opening to your lifting into a higher level........ I might call this season labour pain season Coz before anything is birthed pain and pressure is felt and one is stretched beyond limits...... Secrets to help you get thru this labour pain season to a new level are.......

1.Maintain your FOCUS on God always. TRUST GOD... Don't think the problem is greater than your God.....

2.Never forget His the past miracles He did for you, the doors He opened for you and the battles He won for you in the past.....


3.Always worship the Lord declaring praises to Him and.....

4.Maintain a close relationship with the Holy spirit always waiting on his leading and following His leading.......

5. Don't forget God's promises....

6. Don't complain or murmur before God always maintain a greatful heart towards Him.....

7. Don't give God demands saying if you don't do this or that I won't worship u God be like The Hebrews boys and say we know God is able to save us but whether or not God does rescue us we will not worship this idol.......we shall worship YAWEH the true God

8. Remember God is always with you..... TRUST in this God is holding u and your life in His hands

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