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Stock up on fitted Jeans

Let go of the mum Jeans, nothing ages you more than big buggy jeans. Find the right size that will make a perfect fit.

Make Trends Your Own

Put your own twist to the latest fashion. It doesn't matter if everyone else is wearing it. It's all about how you rock it.

Embrace Color

You can keep your outfits simple with one shade or have fun with multiple colors.

Mix and Match Your Accessories

Keep away from matching jewelry sets and break up your look with stylish pieces that can stand on their own.

Invest in a Statement Shoe

It doesn't matter what kind of shoe it is but make sure it makes you feel good. When you walk with them you feel like a new person, #shoegamesostrong.

Know and dress your body type

Don't ever feel the need to hide your body because you don't look like everyone else. We are all different and we will never be the same, so dress to impress yourself.

Buying Sexy Underwear

You do not have to expose it for others, but just wearing something so beautiful inside can make you feel satisfied with yourself.

Be Confident

As I said earlier it's all about you, ignore what the haters have to say. Confidence is one of the most important factors and tips on how to feel good about yourself. Remember that confidence attracts confidence.

I hope this helps....

Images from Pinterest

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