Healthy coping mechanisms
Image: Pinterest

Coping mechanisms are ways in which one can strategically deal with feelings of stress, trauma, or any other difficult emotions.  

From time to time one will find themselves in a situation that will put their mental health in a dark place. 

Having a hard time can dysregulate your nervous system and this will cause one to look for the easiest way out.


The problem with this is that some people end up going for options that will have them in a worse position than they started with.  

Alcohol and sex are one of the most dependable ways people use to get rid of uncomfortable emotions. 

And I get it, it has zero effort and it does the trick real quick, who would not want that?


As much as it will solve your problems at the moment, you become a slave to it in the long run.

A licensed clinical mental health counselor and owner of Mindful Counseling in Utah, Tiffany Roe, shared one thing her clients mostly ask about through her TikTok page.

"I've been a therapist for over 12 years and the number one thing clients tell me they need is coping skills."

She then explained how one has to have coping skills that hit every angle.

Coping mechanisms that cater to you physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.

So how can you cope with the feelings that cause you to discomfort in a healthy way;

Holding ice until it melts, is distracting and it regulates one's nervous system.

Putting your legs up on a wall and belly breathing is one of the ways the counselor gave as a method of coping.

This is because it helps when one feels triggered.

Squeeze your hand muscles and then release them, this is why one is always provided with a stress ball.   

Dance it out, movement, rhythm, and music raises the dopamine that gives you the feeling of pleasure. 

"Gargle water to stimulate the vagus nerve," said Tiffany. 

The Vagus nerve is the nerve that is responsible for regulating internal organs' functioning.

Things that can disrupt its normal functioning are infections, inflammation, or physical and psychological stress. 

Smell something that you have an emotional connection to.

According to Harvard University smelling something that you have a connection with will take a direct route to the limbic system, the regions related to emotion and memory. 

Tiffany also said that consistently practicing your coping mechanisms even when you are not experiencing a mental health breakdown can be a way of pre-preparation.

"Repetition, consistency, and effort help you to manage your emotions and stress and have good mental health."

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