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Dapivirine is a new HIV prevention medication that is being advertised online for its ability to reduce the risk of HIV infection.

The device, which resembles a white ring, has been making waves online because of the assertion that it can lower a woman's chance of contracting HIV during vaginal sex.

What are the facts, then? Is this true? For reliable information, let's turn to The World Health Organisation, one of the most dependable sources about health on the planet.

Let's begin;

It might be offered as an extra prophylactic option as part of a combined prevention approach for women who are notably at risk of developing HIV.


In order for the ring to work properly, it must be inserted into the vagina for 28 days. Then, a new ring must be used.

The silicone ring is easy to attach, bend, and is flexible. The way the ring works is that over the course of 28 days, the antiviral drug Dapivirine is gradually released from the ring.

Two controlled trials showed the DPV-VR to be well tolerated for long-term use and to reduce the risk of HIV infection in women.


The Ring experiment discovered a 35% reduction in HIV risk in women taking DPV-VR, and the ASPIRE trial discovered a 27% reduction in risk.

The DPV-VR is intended to reduce the risk of HIV infection during vaginal intercourse for women who are at substantial risk for the virus in addition to other safer sex practises.

It can be given alongside oral PrEP as an alternative for women who do not want to or are unable to take daily oral PrEP tablets.

Despite the fact that vaginal contraceptive rings have been available for some time, the DPV-VR is the first product for vaginal HIV prevention.

Research is now being done on a vaginal ring that provides both contraception and HIV protection.

Since November 2020, the DPV-VR has been a drug on the WHO's prequalification list.

The WHO Guideline Development Group concluded that the DPV-VR offers more benefits than drawbacks after carefully reviewing and meta-analyzing the existing scientific data.

In addition to HIV prevention services for women, the WHO stresses the value of providing additional HIV prevention options, STI diagnosis and treatment, the offer of voluntary partner services, HIV testing, referrals to antiretroviral therapy for all women who test positive, as well as a variety of contraceptive methods.

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