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Due to a growing water deficit that could "result in the collapse of the system," water suppliers in Johannesburg, South Africa, have encouraged inhabitants of the city and its suburbs to use less water.

On Sunday, Rand Water and Johannesburg Water stated that excessive residential water use "is putting a strain on the system" and has led to noticeably low water reservoir levels.

Residents have been urged by the firms to conserve water by taking only two-minute showers, flushing the toilets only after lengthy phone calls, and washing their cars with buckets only on the weekends.

Residents have also been urged by the corporations to stop filling pools until the water shortage is resolved, refrain from watering gardens and lawns with clean water, and remedy or report any water leaks.

The annual water restrictions are currently in effect in Johannesburg, and they frequently extend throughout the dry season in South Africa, which runs from September to March.

Some city residents and institutions, including hospitals, have been without water in recent weeks, which has angered the populace.

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