Tabitha Cherotich partcipating in tree planting with other students

Tabitha Cherotich Chumba from Bomet County has joined Zasa Academy on a scholarship up to grade nine, after wholeheartedly participating in tree planting on May 10th.

The holiday was declared by President Ruto for tree planting. The young environmentalist inspired many with her passionate involvement despite her tender age.

Tabitha was spotted during the tree-planting session, clinging to her plant and actively participating in the day's activities.

Her dedication impressed many, including a well-wisher who bought her a uniform for her old school.

However, Tabitha wore it for just a week before the proprietor of Zasa Academy offered her a scholarship at his private school up to Grade Nine.

"Tabitha Cherotich Chumba was so happy that she led the admissions today at Zasa Academy.

This is truly the love that brings changes to the human race," said Daniel Mutai Kiprono.

Tabitha is now set to be crowned the environmental queen in her county as a young and passionate environmentalist.

"After admission, we planted over 20 trees in the school compound. Success, Tabitha Cherotich. We will visit you anytime," said the chief executive officer of Frankma Company.

Netizens also joined in on various social media platforms to congratulate Tabitha for her big win and to thank everyone who helped make her life more comfortable and bearable for her guardians.

"Amazing, live long the hearts of humanity," one netizen said. "The leaders we want, leading by example. Long live Chumba! Long live Mutai," another netizen added.


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