Kenyan celebrities and their daughters

Back in 2011, US president, Barack Obama, was quoted as saying,

“In the end, that’s what being a parent is all about — those precious moments with our children that fill us with pride and excitement for their future, the chances we have to set an example or offer a piece of advice, the opportunities to just be there and show them that we love them.” 

When I read that deep quote I sometimes look at many parents out there, especially dads and try see a number of things I will surely borrow when the time is right.

Some of these father figures include Kenyan celebrities, and how they treat their children, especially their daughters.

They make it look so cool and easy but surely, no one knows the years they have spent trying to shape their daughters, into becoming great women in future.

Today I present to you some of the many Kenyan celebrity dads who make raising daughters look so easy and cool.

1. DJ Creme and his daughter Zawadi

DJ Creme with his daughter Zawadi
2. DJ Mo and his daughter Ladasha Wambo
DJ Mo and his daughter Ladasha Wambui
3. Bahati and his daughters Heaven and Mueni Bahati 
bahati and his daughters Heaven and Mueni Bahati
4. Tedd Josiah and his daughter Jay Jay Wendo
Tedd Josiah and his daughter Jay Jay Wendo
5. Nameless and his daughters, Tumiso and Wakio Mathenge
Nameless and his daughters Tumiso and Wakio Mathenge
6. Khaligraph and his daughter  Amina Jones Ouko
Khaligraph Jones and his daughter Amina Jones Ouko
7. Abel Mutua and his daughter Stephanie
Abel Mutua and his daughter Stephanie
8. Octopizzo and his daughters Stacey and Zarra
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