- morgan , diamond, Stonebwoy
- morgan , diamond, Stonebwoy
- morgan

The hyped Africa Jamaica track is to drop this Friday Oct 19th!!!

While in the process also uniting East and West Africa, they are scoring another historical feat by filming the anticipated music video “Africa Jamaica” in Ghana. On their way to Ghana, Morgan Heritage also filmed some scenes in Cape Verde.

The music video is directed by Jordan Hoechlin and Morgan Heritage, with Stonebwoy; Ghana and Diamond; Tanzania.

Last time Morgan Heritage and Diamond released their first collaboration it garnered more than 1 Million YouTube views in 24 hours and currently over 10 Million Views.

An official statement from Morgan Heritage touted the video as a

“Must watch!”


“Make sure you see what we have to offer the world!”

In deed their mission to build a stronger African and Caribbean connect through music is coming together!

Peetah Morgan uploaded a promo clip on Instagram and YouTube talking of the release date for Africa Jamaica.

The anticipation is Killing us already and with no doubt we are sure it will exceed our expectations.
