Victoria Kimani

Kwambox and Kerry engaged in a conversation with Victoria Kimani as they interviewed her concerning her next move.

She is set to take the world by storm through her unique sound.

Kerry posed a question to Victoria on whether she uses her Kimani when out of the country doing business as a way of getting paid more.

As he explained further what he meant he stated it out like “Key money” which came out so humorous but still Victoria noted it down as a tactic she would add to getting highly paid, which was so genius of Kerry.

Kwambox went on and asked Victoria why since she says she is paid more outside the country than she is paid in Kenya, why is it that she is never seen performing in the country?

According to Victoria, she is also not really aware as to why she is not on Kenyan Stages performing or maybe it could be people are hating on her.


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