Clare Karatu
Image: Instagram

On today's morning show with Kwambox and Kerry they had an interview with food enthusiast Clare Karatu about her passion for exploring all kinds of food.

“Guinness Book of records is about to declare her a world record holder, why did you think about this thing because I saw our team wrote chefs kiss on Twitter, so how did you start your journey with food, especially five thousand five hundred and twenty doughnuts,” Kwambox asked Clare.

In response, Clare said, “When I was around six years old my mum told me that I bake my first good cupcake by myself, I love food from the beginning, I would taste food like it doesn’t matter what it is, you give me nyoka I will I taste and I will tell you if it is good or bad.”


Clare went on and said her journey with food started a long time ago but it particularly became so effective in 2020, when she was thinking of a way to provide for her family and she decided to start a bakery and in the process, she was trying to market it.

In the process of trying to market it, she was in into any crazy idea that would help her sell.

She confessed that her love for food led her to bake until her hands developed a rough texture. "There is a guy looking at us now in a 'KDF' kitchen, not KDF military, where they bake KDFs. You said you baked until your hands were rough," Kwambox asked Clare.

"So, it is the cutting process because we were doing everything by hand. We didn't have any large commercial machines; the only machine we used was a mixer. That's why the rolling, the cutting—everything was done by me and my cousin Muchiri only," Clare responded.

Kwambox then shared her opinion about how people consume KDFs without considering the conditions in which they are made. "If there are people who ought to be respected, it’s chefs because it’s not just about the hands; it’s standing, it’s the long hours, and then the first thing people do when they walk into restaurants is complain that food is taking long. But they have no idea the amount of effort and time that chefs put in to make that food come out," Clare said.

Kwambox clarified her intentions, saying she didn't mean it in a bad way. "Si kwa ubaya manzee, si kwa ubaya," Kwambox said.


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