Kwambox & Kerry Martin

On today’s morning show, Kwambox sparked a debate on whether money can buy happiness.

“Money does buy happiness, even for billionaires—this is what research tells us. I started thinking about why some people say money doesn’t make you happy. That’s coming from someone who is already full and doesn’t want to discuss it,” Kwambox said.

“Because the truth is, money does provide freedom. For example, if today there was a lockdown and everyone had to stay home, people with money would be okay,” he explained.

Kwambox pointed out that those without money would struggle more during a lockdown, as they have to work harder just to survive.

“That’s the luxury that money affords you. It gives you the option to decide, ‘Today, I don’t feel like going to work; I’ll just stay in bed.’ But if you don’t have that money, you don’t have the luxury of staying home,” Kwambox concluded.


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