Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive

On yesterday's drive show, Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive discussed the complexities of modern relationships, particularly the dynamics where a side chick and a main chick are friends despite sharing the same man.

“I could be dating a man and discover he’s cheating on me with another woman. When I confront her, she might say she didn’t know he had a girlfriend or a wife. You know how men are; they deserve nothing. But let me ask you, girl, where did you get that hairstyle?” Mwalimu Rachel explained.

“I can see why he liked someone like you. We clearly have similar tastes—he has a type. So, before you, we were friends with this girl. How is that possible, or am I just being given stories by Xclusive here? Sometimes I don’t trust where he gets his information from,” she continued.


As the conversation unfolded, a listener shared her own experience, revealing that she had been in a similar situation where she even named the couple’s first baby. To this day, she remains a close friend of the other woman.

“Wait a minute. The audacity—so you’re telling me I’m discussing with you, my side chick, about baby names, and then you go and name my child? And then you and the wife meet, and I’m still okay being friends with you because you named my child?” Xclusive said incredulously.

“Ooh my lord... my lord,” he added.


Mwalimu Rachel suggested that everyone involved might need therapy, as she found the situation quite baffling.

“You people are mad... you are mad,” Xclusive concluded.

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