Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive

On yesterday's drive show, Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive discussed the 'Occupy JKIA' protests held the same day.

"I would like to call on bodaboda riders. It has been alleged that many of them were paid to participate because there were cars seen, and videos circulating online show bodaboda riders apparently paid to join pro-government protests," Xclusive said.

"Pro-government protests are not a problem if done with genuine intent, but don't let politicians use you to make it seem like the government has more support," Xclusive added.


Mwalimu Rachel noted that the bodaboda riders claimed they were protesting because they couldn't work and needed to provide for their families.

"Are the Gen Zs you are talking about the ones you carry, or do you think you are carrying their parents? Bodaboda riders carry parents. Which parents use bodaboda? It's the Gen Zs who use them," she said.

Xclusive then mentioned that the protests took a very unfortunate turn when two bodaboda riders were injured, and their motorcycles were burned by angry Gen Z protesters who accused the riders of being used by politicians.


"Even those posters you see, it's clear they didn't print them. If you ask one of the riders to read what's written on the poster, 'it is our solemn duty to defend our country,' you will see if they can read their own poster," Xclusive said.

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