The guests on the morning show today
Image: Kiss100

During the morning show, KISS presenter Kwambox had an interview with Honorable Kennedy Ondiek, Eric Omondi, and Okoth Opondo, where they debated the anti-government protests by Gen Z.

"The people who went to the streets are all Kenyans. What I can say, Eric, is that you people have taken to the streets too much. You are looking for followings and do not understand that the government must be run," Kennedy said.

Eric disagreed with Kennedy, stating that these protests are equivalent to a vote of no confidence and should be handled carefully to identify the root of the problem.

"This gentleman is telling us that a protected area, the Parliament of the Republic of Kenya, was broken into by a few people," Eric said.

"Gentlemen, I think we are digressing, and I have noted this, so I just want to move forward," Kwambox told them.

Kennedy then emphasized the importance of understanding that the country has resources that should be allocated for progress.

Kwambox shifted the conversation to the recent Cabinet Secretary appointments, noting that this is fueling the current protests.

She explained how some politicians are playing mind games with citizens by not keeping their promises.

She specifically mentioned Hassan Joho, Riggy G, and President Ruto as the main figures who often make promises they cannot deliver.

"If you people are saying the President is listening, why would he choose these people, and why does it seem like it is a handshake or rather a political kind of agreement?" Kwambox said.

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