Kasmwel MCoure

On today's morning show, Kwambox and Kerry interviewed Kasmwel MCoure about how he juggles being an activist and a musician at the same time.

"How did you get as a musician someone who teaches piano, someone who is a poet, someone who is wearing suits and become a voice of a generation," Kwambox asked Kasmwel.

"Revolution has its own sense, in the art that is doing, I perform live you know am always trying to break the musical rules, and of course, for you to break rules you need to know them first for you to break them," Kasmwel answered.

"So consistently I have always been pushing the boundaries of live performance I have 16 people on stage at the same time playing together those are the kin of bands I play with so am always pushing the borders and boundaries."

Kasmwel then went on and said the protests were sudden and since he was a student leader mobilizing people has never been a problem.

He then revealed he studied at TUK from 2016 to 2021.


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