Did you know that the word FOMO was included in the dictionary in 2013? that means it is an actual word now.

Do you feel like you should always be in the know as to what is happening with the Kardashians? or you constantly feel anxious if you fail to watch Bahati and Diana's vlog. or just their reality show altogether?

Now that is FOMO, fear of missing out. You constantly want to be in the know. constantly checking your social media for updates ro else anxiety checks in.

It is probably a symptom of modern life. But look at it this way, you only get FOMO when you are either constantly unhappy or have a social media illusion. Social media illusion is when you consider a life that others portray on social media as legit.

We both know that is not always true

if you don't get enough attention from the people around you, you look for it somewhere else. You seek attention by engaging in social media to feel like you belong. You want social media to feel like home.

I cannot really promise you that this is going to work but have you tried gratitude. Try appreciating the things around. your family, friends, pets. Spend time with people that actually exist.

Try the gym even. You will have an ideal body and feel great about yourself instead of comparing your weaknesses to others' strengths.