Betty Kyallo decided she is going to live her life as she should. That is why she is not afraid to show that she is in love. And she's happy.

I mean she also deserves to love and be loved.

Speaking exclusively to Kiss100, Betty revealed that


"I love being in the public. I’m open to scrutiny. I really don’t care I've been criticized, insulted called all sorts of things. I've really gotten to a place where I actually enjoy social media. I don’t agree to be bullied…I’m a young woman, I’m gonna go out have fun, I wanna date and do things people at my age younger or older are doing." She said at the launch of After Shave

Betty Kyallo, Mercy Kyallo, mother and father at the launch of After Shave By Flair
Betty Kyallo, Mercy Kyallo, mother and father at the launch of After Shave By Flair
Image: Moses Mwangi


"I wanna live my life. Just because I am Betty Kyallo doesn’t mean I can’t have a boyfriend, take a picture I can’t post a hand or a finger….I can do whatever I want it’s my space…’"

The last time she posted him, she woke up to find out that people had tried so hard to investigate who he is. Please note she had covered his face. But social media in-laws were hard at work.

But that does not bother her. She is living her best life in business and in her relationships. So can we cut her some slack? She is human and we all deserve love.