Willy paul kiss fm studios
Willy paul kiss fm studios

It is believed that what someone is called or labeled reflects their qualities and it can be a blessing or a curse in the long run.

Willy Paul aka Pozze seems to have figured that out (probably a bit too late) and wants people to stop calling him 'bwana mkunaji'

Wait isn't he the one who labeled himself that after the hallelujah hit song featuring Nandy? It seems like he wants to do away with the 3-year-old nickname.

In a video he shared on his socials, the 'toto' singer has called on his fans to do away with that name since it is blocking his blessings. In fact, he has a better name suggestion!

"I go by the name Willy Paul Willy Pozze. Manze hiyo ujinga ya kuniita bwana mkunaji staki. Staki kuitwa bwana mkunaji mnazuia baraka zangu za 'Toto' kwenda.

Toto is a hit song na mtu wa ku kunakuna tu hawezi fanya song kama toto so please stop calling me bwana mkunaji start calling me rich kid ," Said Pozze I mean rich kid.

I will say this, it will take a lot for people to stop calling him bwana mkunaji but all I can assure him is that definitely no one is going to call him 'rich kid.

Watch the video below;

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