Talk about a coincidence!

Catherine, Mary and Eve are triplets who have come out to share their experience of being in love with the same guy.

From an interview with Jalang’o, the three outwardly consented to being OK watching their hubby have intimate relations with either of the three.


The three revealed that, “We have been together for a long time, from high school and we have the same interest.”

Talking about their love life, Catherine explained how they got to love the same man stating, “I used to watch him on YouTube, one day nikapigia Mary hio story, from smile to his looks… them Mary akaniambia wewe kuwa serious, sasa Eve ndo sikuwa najua kama atampenda.”

Mary further added, “Mimi pia nikajipata nimeingia box, nikampenda tu hivyo.”

According to the triplets, their fiancé’s dad was polygamous, marrying 10 wives, adding it would be a piece of cake for them to get married by the same man.


Check out the interview below:

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