Kenyans are a crazy lot and trust them to have answers to everything you need answers for.
Ever heard of any businesses that were started without investing a single coin?
Well apparently there are a number of businesses which just require your creativity, boldness and the never say never attitude to start and set you up for life.
We asked our online community to help us come up with a list of such businesses and the feedback was simply hilarious and eye opening.
Check out the responses below;
DJ Sadic: Monkey business
Kalee: Minding your business
Silva KE: Beggar
Blini: Usherati tu
Theo: None of your BUSINESS
Big boy: Ama ukue motivational speaker
I am Edmond: Mourners for hire
Ann Pauline: Ashawo business
Kenyan emoji: Ooh you want busy Ness rauka kesho upange watu kwa petrol station
Kerubo Rioba: Preaching
Jeff: Selling ua kidney