Crime Scene.
Image: Courtesy

A prison warden was found dead in his house after a suicide incident in Asian Quarters at Mukaro, Nyeri County.

Police said constable Anthony Maina Mahihu of Kingongo GK prison who was mentally ill committed suicide by hanging himself using sisal rope inside his house.

He had been away from work on medical grounds.

His sister reported the matter to the police on Saturday, February 18.

Police visited the scene and moved the body to the mortuary.

Cases of suicide in police and prisons are on the rise.

Officials attribute the trend to the trauma of out-of-work issues.

Authorities are making efforts to address the trend. These include the creation of welfare departments and a counselling unit to cater for such issues.

The counselling unit will, among other things, evaluate, design and lead an outreach programme that helps prevent mental health and substance abuse.

Further, it will assist clients and families affected by mental health, substance abuse and trauma to overcome the problem.

The unit will also participate in the formulation of counselling policies, regulations and strategies in conformity with the reform agenda and participate in the implementation, interpretation and review of counselling services, policies, procedures and systems.

Meanwhile, a prison warder was arrested in Nzambani area over claims of sexual assault. The officer attached to Maralal main prisons was on leave when he was arrested pending further investigations.