I'm not pregnant! Dancehall artist Spice says

A photo of the Dancehall Queen, Spice
Image: Instagram

Dancehall artist Spice has dispelled the news going around that she is pregnant with her third child.

Taking to her Instagram account the artist used the moment to point out why people should not believe everything they see on social media as she pointed out she wasn't pregnant.

She emphasized that the post was not a clout casing attempt nor a confirmation of her pregnancy but more of a symbol of rebirth that she experienced coming out of a scary health situation that she has been battling over the past 6 months.

"Fast forward to the picture that I posted when I appeared to be pregnant... it goes on to show that you shouldn't believe everything you see on social media.

I never said I was pregnant all I did was say God has been good to me. No, I am not pregnant it is a celebration of my life... my rebirth, God gave me a second chance ad I am celebrating that," the entertainer said in the Instagram live video.

Spice went on to thank her family and friends who were by her side while she was in a hospital in the Dominican Republic She talked in depth about her health situation. 

The entertainer emotionally revealed she had to undergo emergency surgery for a hernia repair and sepsis.

In the video, Spice said she came so close to death's door and is grateful that God answered her prayers and gave her a second chance at life.

"This is my second life as of today this is a new me... so tell your mother, auntie, and uncles that the queen is back and her new journey starts today!" The last of her post read.

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