Akuku Danger highlights the importance of celibacy

The comedian revealed he has been celibate for a while as he encouraged other men to try it

has revealed he has been celibate
Akuku Danger has revealed he has been celibate
Image: Facebook

Comedian Akuku Danger has just revealed that he has been practicing celibacy and it is one of the best decisions he has ever made.

The comedian took to his social media pages to share the news with his fans and friends as he highlighted the importance of going celibate even if it is just a couple of months.

On his socials, he revealed that he used to be skeptical about celibacy and wouldn't understand why people emphasized its importance till he actually tried it out himself.

Detailing his experience he wrote,  "Wacha leo tupige story, I used to think celibacy was just a talk but damn that thing is real!" Started of Akuku.

He went on to encourage his fellow men to learn to embrace it as it helps change so many aspects of your life some that you didn't even know could be rectified.

"As a man, it is good to be celibate for some time and you will notice so many things changing in your life.

You attract so much success in whatever you put your mind to. Like guys, you attract new energy, positivity and everything just flows," Akuku advised, deeply calling out to other men to embrace the said form of lifestyle and not view it as punishment as it comes with so many advantages.

Finishing off, he jokingly pointed out that some of its other advantages include helping with the much coveted facial hair.

"100% I am telling you guys, everything just flows. You even start growing facial hair, gents try it." The last of his post read.

With the recent revelation, the comedian joins other high-profile celebrities who have opened up about their celibacy journey in the last couple of months.

These include; Nero Water CEO Anerlisa Muigai who last week revealed she has been celibate for the last 7 months, and Willy Paul announced he was going celibate to help me concentrate better on his upcoming show (so Akuku might be onto something here).

Robert Burale has on occasions revealed that he has been celibate for 9 years and gospel musical Stevo Simpleboy just to mention a few.

Celibacy is a voluntary vow of abstaining from sexual relations, it can look different for each person, so there’s no single way to practice it since some people abstain from all sexual activities while others engage in things like.

Celibacy is mainly associated with religion but there are several reasons why people choose to remain that way like, waiting to find the right partner, getting over a breakup, and supporting personal values just to mention a few.

Practicing it has several positive impacts on a person.

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