There's no proof heaven exists-Jua Cali voices

The veteran artist was advising Kenyans to avoid being misled by chewing unto every word thrown to them

The artist said there's no proof heaven exists as he advised Kenyans against falling prey to conmen
Veteran Kenyan artist Jua Cali The artist said there's no proof heaven exists as he advised Kenyans against falling prey to conmen

Veteran artist Jua Kali has a few words of advice for Kenyans following the whole Pastor Mackenzie drama where as of now 83 dead bodies have been discovered at the pastor's massive worship site in Kilifi. 

According to the "Kwaheri" hitmaker, people should learn to make their own decisions and stop chasing a fairy tale that we don't whether is real or not.

Jua Kali advised Kenyans to avoid being fooled by conmen parading as men of God by learning to make their own decisions.

"Watu wangu there is no proof Heaven exists so don't be fooled na hawa ma conmen wa kanisa selling you hot air!" The first part of the Veteran artist's FaceBook post read.

He went on to add that people should learn to enjoy the now and not be so bothered by something they do not know of, seeing as Christianity wasn't even African, to begin with.

Terming earth as the "heaven" we were sure of, Jua Kali advised his fans and followers to enjoy that.

"Enjoy hii heaven uko nayo hapa, mambo ya huku mbele hatujui (take time to enjoy this heaven that you have here... we don't know what the future presents)" Added the genge artist.

Jua Kali finished off by again emphasizing the importance of using one's brain as opposed to being led like a clueless sheep to the slaughter.

"You went to school, think for yourself!!! #Shakahola Massacre" The last part of the artists post read.

The post elicited mixed reactions as some people seemed to agree with the rapper while others called him out for being disrespectful as they defended their religion and beliefs.

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