Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko with Boxers Fatuma Zarika and Conjestina Achieng on June 12, 2023

Kenyans have moved to social media to praise former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko.

This is after Kenyan boxer Conjstina Achieng fully recovered after being in a rehabilitation centre.

Ten years ago ‘Conje’ was on the verge of 'vanishing' as she faced financial and mental health issues since she left boxing in 2011.

Her career came to a sudden end when she started suffering mentally.

In September 2022, the boxing champion was admitted to Mombasa Women Empowerment Network Hospital in Miritini. 

She had been admitted to various facilities after her health and mental status deteriorated.

Sonko had come to the aid of the boxing champion after he visited her while she was at the hospital. 

He gifted her with boxing equipment and admitted Conjestina to several rehabilitation centres including Nairobi County rehabilitation centres, Parklands, and Diani Beach.

Eleven months down the line, Conjestina has left rehab

On Sunday, Photos shared by Sonko showed the female boxer back in the boxing ring, indicating that her recovery is on the right path.

Sonko noted that Conje's story is one of a fighter's spirit that refuses to be extinguished.

This week, Sonko announced that Conjestina landed a plum job as the head of his security at Salama Bling Beach resort in Kanamai.

He said Conjestina's recovery journey should serve as a reminder that everyone should be given a second chance.

On Thursday, Conjestina stepped out on the streets of Nairobi in style.

Pictures shared by Sonko on his social handles showed an all smiles Conjestina dressed in a pristine white suit.

"Because we transform lives. We don't play politics or PR na life ya any Kenyan," Sonk said.

Kenyans reacted to Sonko's posts expressing happiness on Conjestina's transformation as they showered the former governor with praises.