Anita Brown and Davido

Anita Brown, an American socialite who alleges that she is pregnant for Nigerian singer Davido, has continued to throw shade at the Unavailable singer.

In a series of tweets, the socialite branded the singer as a bad person, a bad example with bad luck.

"Would you have married if your child didn't die?" she tweeted


Adding "Your child passing warrants you to have sex with a bunch of different woman raw, but we have to respect what that your child passed away almost a year ago and that u have a newlywed?" 

"You should be ashamed Your dirty actually And placing blame on women, be a real man."

That’s why u got bad luck and bad shit keep happening with you @davido YOU ARE THE DEVIL ! YOUR ENTIRE EXISTENCE


"So sad All u know how to do is beg females Beg beg beg to try to get what u want Pathetic excuse as a man @davido u wasn’t capable of being a good father that’s what God took it from you ! CLOWN !

I don’t ever need to seek vengeance because what God has done to you and will do to you later, will show you. And that’s enough for me

When u do wrong by people Karma is REAL God going to keep taking away things you love the most until you learn ! You reap what you sow in the worst ways

She went on to claim that the singer as a devil worshiper. 

"Evil ass Nigerian man Lmao Devil worshippers Acting like they are for God Please ! I would never want parts in no demonic culture !