Wycliffe Oparanya

The Azimio Coalition claims that its chairman, Wycliffe Oparanya, was arrested in connection with Wednesday's protests.

"Among those in police custody is our very able member of Parliament for Mavoko, the honourable Patrick Makau and as we speak we have just learnt of the arrest of the honourable Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya," Eugene Wamalwa said during a press conference at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Foundation.

Police confirmed Oparanya's arrest saying he was being held in Kakamega. 


Interior CS Kithure Kindiki had on Wednesday issued a terse statement saying planners of the chaotic protests and their funders would not go unpunished.

"The Government has tonight mobilised all the law enforcement agencies of the State and the institutions of our country’s criminal justice system to conclude investigations urgently and proceed to the arrest and prosecution of all those involved in the planning and execution of the crimes committed today, including those who funded or otherwise aided or abetted the offenders," Kindiki said.

Kindiki blamed planners of the protests for all the acts of violence, looting and destruction of public and private property that characterised the demonstrations.


"They lied to the police that they would be holding a peaceful political rally at the Kamukunji grounds, only for them to unleash terror on innocent Kenyans, as a result of which lives have been lost, scores of law enforcement officers and civilians have been grievously injured and unimaginable loss to the Country’s economy have been occasioned," Kindiki added.

Meanwhile, Oparanya on Wednesday claimed that police had shot at his car in Busia as he was being driven to Funyula MP Wiberforce Mundenyo's home "for a cup of tea".

"You can see they aimed at my car and at that time there was no demonstration at all. We were going to Mheshimiwa's house for some tea and then we were to appear in town later," Oparanya told the media.