Lenard Omsula with MP Tindi Mwale

Butere MP Tindi Mwale has secured a job for Leornad Omsula the man behind the viral meme 'Hata Jina Hutaki'.

Last week Omsula had appealed for help to be able to provide for his family and get off the streets.

The homeless man had shared in a lengthy interview, the struggles he had gone through in his life and how he would like to make a turnaround.


His plea reached the ears of Butere MP, Honorable Tindi Mwale who gave the young man an opportunity of working as a messenger for the Butere constituency in the Nairobi Office.

In a video shared by the Member of Parliament, we can see him having a sit down with a well-dressed and cleaned-up man.

He goes on ahead to question Leonard whether he will return to the streets and in a happy manner he responds that he won't.


"I will never ever go back to the street again" and he looked very happy in the video.

People took to the comments section, congratulating the MP on his good deed and also advising that he should get rehab and some counselling.

Omsula with MP Tindi Mwale
Image: courtesy

Here are some of the comments left on the post:

geooothis guy needed to have some 4months rehab ,medical checkup ,counseling and guidance. ndo later apewe job . like sonko did to conjes

DapheenBut angepelekwa rehab kwanza, I don't think he will cop with withdrawal just at once....

Captain T''I will never ever go back to streets again'' 😂 another voice to be misused by singles😂

BilalThis is how men solve issues. Congratulations.

user534064365812eunyGod bless you so boss 🙏

Ruthbelle ManyongeAm happy to see this ..congratulations dear...May God bless all well wishers..

ngetichcourse at the end of the day he has done it ....,💪mungu ni nani 💯🫶

Krystal KevinOmsula is smart for sure , he fits the job