Lake Victoria

Detectives are investigating an incident in which the body of a pastor who was missing was discovered at Bao Beach, Kombewa in Kisumu.

The man identified as James Ochola Osewe is believed to have either died by suicide or drowned in Lake Victoria on August 26 when he was last seen.

His body was found two days later.

The deceased was a preacher at Apostolic Church Rare in Kagwel village, police said.

The body was removed and taken to the mortuary pending autopsy and other investigations, police said.

The motive is yet to be established.

Fishermen operating in the area said they discovered it floating and retrieved it to the beach.

They later called police who announced they had opened an investigation into the incident.

They intend to interrogate several interested parties in the matter.

Police say they cannot tell if he was killed, died by suicide or drowned.

Elsewhere, police are investigating the discovery of a decomposed body of a man in Limuru, Kiambu.

The body was discovered by security at the institution on Tuesday afternoon.

The officials said the body was within a firm processor near their sewage.

Police say the body is yet to be identified and seems to have been dumped there.

An investigation was opened into the murder. The body was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy and other probes.

In Athi River, Machakos, the body of a man was found on the roadside.

The body had injuries in the legs, police said.

Police say they are investigating the incident.