Crime Scene

Detectives are investigating the death of two Form Four students who allegedly died after consuming ethanol at school in Tharaka Nithi

The two candidates from Karigini Mixed Day Secondary School are said to have consumed ethanol at the school laboratory, police and the school said.

A team of detectives from Nairobi have joined those on the ground to probe the matter, police said.

The two died days after consuming the chemical.

Tharaka Nithi county police commander Zacchaeus Ngeno said 11 other students,  including four girls and seven boys, are receiving treatment at Chuka County Referral Hospital, where they were taken on Saturday afternoon.

“We have been told the students took the chemical on Thursday evening but only one showed signs of dizziness immediately. We have since established it is the cause of the deaths,” he said.

The police boss said when a multiagency team of security, education and health officials visited the school on Saturday morning they were able to establish through other students who consumed the substance that it was ethanol.

He, however, said investigations are still on into the matter and will reveal more.

The investigators picked samples of the chemical for further analysis.

“An autopsy on the bodies and tests on those in hospital will tell us more. Let us wait,” he said.

He said the two who died had taken a large amount of ethanol but probably would have been saved if they immediately sought treatment.

"The deceased were rushed to hospital on Saturday morning after their health deteriorated,” he said.

Officials at the hospital said though those admitted are responding well, they will remain in the hospital for some time as they are being observed because even the two who died were in stable condition until Friday evening when they succumbed.

More officials were set to visit the institution on Sunday as part of the ongoing probe.

They said they would record statements from students and teachers.

The team will also talk to the other students and assure them of their safety, officials said amid concerns from parents and guardians.

This comes as the school and others conducted rehearsals for their national examinations.

Other officials have urged more vigilance in schools to avoid such tragedies.

Schools store chemicals including ethanol and run laboratories for their practicals.