Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha has designated Charlene Ruto as the Kenya Blood Ambassador.

Charlene, the daughter of President William Ruto, received the appointment in a letter dated December 14, 2023, in recognition of her significant role in blood donation.

"The MoH acknowledges and commends your altruistic contributions to Kenya through consistent blood donation, advocacy, education, and mobilization of your family members, community, peers, and the general Kenyan citizens to participate in blood donations," stated the letter.

Charlene was also lauded for her initiatives in mobilizing resources and providing support for blood donation activities.

The letter officially appoints her as the Kenya Blood Ambassador with a request to continue serving as a spokesperson for her friends, Kenyan youth, family, peers, and citizens.

She is expected to promote blood donation, emphasising its role in saving lives, and collaborate with the Kenya Tissue and Transplant Authority.

Additionally, Charlene is encouraged to work with various partners in organizing blood-related events, including public education and resource mobilization.