Limuru III: Why Kikuyu elders blew horn 12 times

As events unfolded at the Limuru III Conference on Friday, Kikuyu elders also had a role to play in the meeting.

Leaders who spoke called for unity in the Mt Kenya region.

When time came, the elders present were called upon to perform a blessing tradition to unite the region.

During the exercise, one elder accompanied to the podium by a host of others made a few remarks before he blew the horn 12 times.

Nine of the blows signified the nine Gikuyu subtribes, while the other three signify the unity of the Agikuyu, Embu and Meru communities.

It also signifies their answered prayer which has culminated to the Limuru III meeting.

"We'll blow this horn because this meeting was part of a prayer for the community. This prayers started a while ago to unite Mt Kenya community. The first prayers were held by elders and the church," the elder chanted the words in Agikuyu.

"This was the voice of God that the community should meet and discuss and whatever will be agreed on, God will listen and he will do as per the prayers and it's God wish that we be united."

The elder further stated that as they blow the horn of God, they pray the sound reaches all the people of Agikuyu, Embu, and Meru wherever they are so that they can unite and love one another.

"God says if you do that, he will bless is and return kingship to us."

According to the Agikuyu traditional society, blowing the horn signifies different things on different occasions. 

It is used blown during circumcision, when taking an oath, when warriors return from war, when one crowned as a village elder and when a respected individual like chief dies.

The Limuru III conference was convened by a section of leaders from the Mt Kenya region led by Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua and Jubilee secretary general Jeremiah Kioni.

Other leaders who hail from region including former Governors Ferdinand Waititu (Kiambu) and Ndiritu Muriithi (Laikipia), MPs Gathoni Wamuchomba (Githunguri), Amos Mwago (Starehe) and Mark Mwenje (Embakasi west), among others.