
Newly employed Kiss 100 radio presenter Xclusive, recently had a sit down with Mpasho where he opened up to about how he landed himself the coveted chance to work with Kiss FM and why he's dropping the title deejay from his name.

Mpasho's Kalondu Musyimi kicked off the interview by first congratulating the presenter on his big win having being picked to work with the most highly ranked radio station in Kenya.


In response Xclusive confessed working at Kiss is something he's been manifesting for the longest time and he's ecstatic to finally be living his dream.


“Thank you very much, it is been something that my close friends know... I talked about it like five years ago and it has come to pass, so I am excited,” Xclusive said.

Speaking on why he's dropped the title DJ from his name the entertainer stated, “You know the thing is everyone has known me as deejay Xclusive but I have gone past just deejaying.


You have seen me at Sol Fest, I was emceeing, you have seen me at October Fest I was hyping, so I am a presenter, a deejay, an MC, and a hype man there is so much that I am doing that I don’t want just to box myself as Deejay Xclusive, now it’s just Xclusive.”


Touching on how he landed the job and how he first felt when he got the call from Kiss FM managers, the entertainer said;

“Let me tell you from the funniest story, it's not the first time we've had discussions... they've been like three, or four times it's just we really never got to a point where we agreed and for me it was like it will come.

You know the first time you are called then unasema 'mimi nataka hii,' then things go down,” Xclusive narrated. 

He energetically added;

“So when we finally got the last call and they were like 'listen guys, come we sit down' and we sat then we said what we want and they said 'sawa we'll give you what you want but this is what we want. Do you agree? Then we shook hands and kept it moving,"

Finishing up, Xclusive confessed when he got the job, the first thing he did was call his mum sharing the exciting news with her. She then prayed for him and that's how his journey at Kiss started.

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