The Kajim family recently hosted a spectacular gender reveal party where two cars raced to unveil the baby's gender. They will be welcoming a baby boy in two months. Leading up to the event, the family had debated the baby's gender and consulted a doctor for a scan before the party.
The couple shared their excitement about their journey to parenthood and expressed their openness to the baby's gender. "We are at 32 weeks, and I'm both excited and a bit tense because we still don't know the gender," Wambui said. "I love the name 'Mama Boys,' and I know my husband is rooting for a girl."
She added, "I have emotions built up, but I don't want to cry on camera. This is our second baby, and while it might be a surprise, I know it will never be a disappointment because we are open to whatever God gives us."
Besides the Kajim family, here are other couples who held gender reveal parties this year:
Marylinda and Rapho Clints
Content creator Marylinda and her husband Rapho Clints celebrated their baby shower and gender reveal last month with numerous celebrities in attendance, including Trisha Khalid, Tiff Dolly, Dem wa Facebook, and Sandra Dacha, among others.
They are expecting a baby boy in a few weeks. Marylinda has been eagerly sharing the preparations for their new arrival on her socials.
Whitney and Warren
Famous TikTokers Whitney and Warren also hosted a gender reveal party a few months ago.
Despite being trolled on social media for having a baby at a young age, they proved their critics wrong, showing that young love can indeed blossom into something beautiful.
The couple recently welcomed a bouncing baby boy.